Galaxy Clustering Science Working Group meeting
Euclid Consortium Galaxy Clustering Science Working Group meeting, Milan, February 2023
Authors: L. Guzzo, W. Percival & Y. Wang (GC-SWG leads)
Introduction & motivation
During the week of February 20-24, a meeting dedicated to the Galaxy Clustering (GC) measurements to be made by Euclid was held at the “Universitá Statale”, in Milan. This was the first in-person meeting focussed on galaxy clustering after 3 years of the pandemic break, and gathered together all units constituting the spectroscopic pipeline of Euclid, from the raw data to the cosmological parameter measurements. Participation was strong, with 90 people attending in person and an average of 20 connected remotely. Having an in-person joint meeting bringing together all steps along the data analysis chain, was a natural extension of the series of online meetings, which are now held every 2 weeks, bringing together managers and key personnel for the GC pipeline. There was much to review and to plan for, following a busy 2022, which included the Mission Key Point (MKP) review, and a focussed meeting on Observational Systematics organised at IFPU in Trieste.
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