Media Response
NGC 6505 Einstein Ring, 02/2025

Bad Astronomy (2025-02-17): “Einstein put a ring on it”, by Philip Plait
NASA Spaceflight (2025-02-16): “Euclid reveals an Einstein ring around a nearby galaxy”, by Martijn Luinstra

Radio France (France, Podcast, 2025-02-14): “Le télescope spatial EUCLID a découvert un anneau d’Einstein, le plus proche jamais observé“

Lidové Novini (Czech Republic, 2025-02-14): “Sonda objevila Einsteinův prstenec jen 582 milionů světelných let od Země“, by Radek John

Merkur (Germany, 2025-02-13): “Spektakulärer Einsteinring: Esa-Weltraumteleskop „Euclid“ enthüllt kosmisches Phänomen”, by Tanja Banner

Smithsonian Magazine (2025-02-11): “Astronomers Discover Extremely Rare Einstein Ring in Early Euclid Telescope Data, Revealing Warped Space-Time”, by Margherita Bassi

CNN (2025-02-11): “Space telescope reveals rare ‘Einstein ring’ phenomenon with startling clarity”, by Ashley Strickland
NPR (2025-02-11): “Space telescope finds rare ‘Einstein Ring’ of light in nearby galaxy”, by Chandelis Duster

Jerusalem Post (Israel, 2025-02-11): “Euclid telescope discovers rare Einstein ring around nearby galaxy NGC 6505”

Kleine Zeitung (Austria, 2025-02-10): “Extrem seltenes Phänomen: Weltraumteleskop Euclid entdeckt Einstein-Ring” (2025-02-10): “Euclid ‘dark universe’ telescope discovers stunning Einstein ring in warped space-time”, by Robert Lea

Science (2025-02-10): “Spacecraft probing cosmic evolution spies an ‘Einstein ring’”, by Daniel Clery

RAI (Italy, 2025-02-10): “Astronomia, Euclid scorge un perfetto Anello di Einstein”, by Andrea Bettini

La Repubblica (Italy, 2025-02-10): “Materia oscura, scoperto l’anello di Einstein intorno a una galassia grazie alla missione Euclid”

RTS (Switzerland, 2025-02-10): “Un très rare anneau d’Einstein découvert par le télescope spatial Euclid”

SRF (Switzerland, 2025-02-10): “Weltraumteleskop Euclid ermöglicht unerwartete Entdeckung”

The Guardian (2025-02-10): “Euclid telescope captures Einstein ring revealing warping of space”, by Hannah Devlin

Independent (2025-02-10): “Scientists spot giant ‘Einstein ring’ nearby in space – by accident”, by Andrew Griffin

The Telegraph (2025-02-10): “Rare Einstein ring found in Earth’s ‘cosmic backyard’”
Sky News (2025-02-10): “Scientists spot rare Einstein ring of light from far-away galaxy which has never been observed before”

New Scientist (2025-02-10): “Stunning image shows the closest ever Einstein ring”, by Alex Wilkins

Der Spiegel (Germany, 2025-02-11): “Weltraumteleskop »Euclid« entdeckt perfekten Einsteinring”

MDR (Germany, 2025-02-10): ” “Seltenes Phänomen”: Euclid-Teleskop entdeckt vollständigen Einsteinring”

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Germany, 2025-02-10): “Weltraumteleskop beobachtet einen perfekten Einstein-Ring”, by Ulf von Rauchhaupt

The Journal (Ireland, 2025-02-10): “Rare Einstein ring spotted in Earth’s ‘cosmic backyard’, a ‘mere’ 500 million light years away”
RTE (Ireland, 2025-02-10): “Scientists spot Einstein ring around ‘nearby’ galaxy”
National Geographic España (Spain, 2025-02-10): “El telescopio Euclid descubre el primer anillo de Einstein casi perfecto”, by Sergio Parra

El Vocero (Puerto Rico, 2025-02-10): “Euclid descubre un anillo de Einstein perfecto y desafía lo que creíamos saber del cosmos”

Cronica de hoy (Mexico, 2025-02-10): “El Telescopio Euclid descubre el anillo de Einstein perfecto”

ORF (Austria, 2025-02-10): “ESA-Teleskop entdeckte per Zufall ‘Einstein-Ring’ “

Der Standard (Austria, 2025-02-10): “Euclid entdeckt einen perfekten Einstein-Ring in einem Testbild”
Summer 2024
El Espectador (in Spanish, 2024-08-23): “Elaborar el mapa más completo del universo con ayuda de un colombiano”, by Paula Casas Mogollón
Early Release Observations, 05/2024

Le Figaro (in French, paywall, 2024-05-23): “De nouvelles images étincelantes prises par le télescope spatial européen Euclid”, by Tristan Vey

Le Parisien (in French, 2024-05-23): “Découvrez les fabuleuses nouvelles images du télescope spatial Euclid”, by Gaël Lombart

CBC (2024-05-23): “Stunning photos revealed by European Space Agency’s Euclid space telescope”, by Nicole Mortillaro
Tiroler Tageszeitung (in German, 2024-05-23): “Innsbrucker Forscher entdeckten 600 bisher unbekannte Zwerggalaxien”

ORF (in German, 2024-05-23): “ESA-Teleskop entdeckte Tausende Galaxien”, by Paul Sihorsch

NOS (in Dutch, 2024-05-23): “Nieuwe foto’s ruimtetelescoop Euclid ‘overtreffen alle verwachtingen'”

Irish Examiner (2024-05-23): “Euclid telescope sends back largest images of universe ever taken from space”, by Nilima Marshall

The Standard (article/podcast, 2024-05-23): “Largest images of the universe ever taken from space: Tech & Science Daily podcast”, by Rochelle Travers and Rachelle Abbott
RTE (2024-05-24): “What the Euclid telescope has revealed about the universe so far”, by Peter Coles

siliconrepublic (2024-05-23): “ESA’s Euclid snaps dazzling new images of the universe”, by Leigh Mc Gowran

Qubit (in Hungarian, 2024-05-23): “Kolosszális galaxishalmazok tárulnak fel a Euclid űrtávcső káprázatos új felvételein”, by András Tóth

The Irish Times (2024-05-23): “Euclid space telescope reveals exquisite images of dark universe”, by Kevin O’Sullivan
Sky News (2024-05-23): “Huge new images of space revealed to help scientists understand how universe is changing around us”, by Mickey Carroll

The Globe and Mail (2024-05-23): “A rainbow in the dark”, by Ivan Semeniuk
Futura (in French, 2024-05-23): “Le nouveau télescope spatial Euclid dévoile 5 images extraordinaires de l’Univers”, by Laurent Sacco

Forbes (2024-05-23): “Europe’s New Spacecraft Drops Five Jaw-Dropping New Cosmic Images“, by Jamie Carter (in German, 2024-05-23): “ESA-Teleskop Euclid, Das sind die neuen Bilder aus dem Weltraum“, by Leander Beil

New York Times (2024-05-23): “Scanning the Dark Universe, Euclid Finds Scenes of Cosmic Light” by Katrina Miller
Early Release Observations, 11/2023
Le Monde (in French, 2023-11-08): “L’ESA dévoile les premières images du cosmos prises par le satellite Euclid” by Pierre Barthélémy
El País (in Spanish, 2023-11-08): “Primeras imágenes de ‘Euclid’, el detective que quiere desvelar la naturaleza desconocida del 95% del cosmos” by Daniel Mediavilla
ТЕЛМА (in Makedonian, 2023-11-08): “Магла во форма на коњска глава, спирални и неправилни галаксии – Еуклид со први фотографии од вселената”
Süddeutsche Zeitung (in German/paywall, 2023-11-08): “Mit gestochen scharfen Bildern auf der Jagd nach Dunkler Materie” by Marlene Weiß (in Czech, 2023-11-08): “Ostřejší než kdy dřív. Teleskop Euclid pořídil oslnivé snímky vesmíru”
ABC (2023-11-08): “Euclid space telescope’s first colour images of the cosmos: Nebulas, galaxies and clusters” by Jack Ryan
Nature (2023-11-07): “These incredible images are the first from dark-energy telescope Euclid” by Davide Castelvecchi (2023-11-07): “Euclid telescope releases first awe-inspiring images in dark universe hunt” by John Wenz
ORF (in German, 2023-11-07): “Weltraumteleskop „Euclid“ liefert erste Himmelsbilder”
Der Standard (in Deutsch, 2023-11-07): “Erste Aufnahmen des Weltraumteleskops Euclid sorgen für Begeisterung” by David Rennert
BBC (in Farsi, 2023-11-07): “آلبوم عکس؛ اسرار کائنات از چشم اقلیدس“
abc nyheter (in Norvegian, 2023-11-07): “De første bildene fra teleskop med norsk teknologi er klare”
Observador (in Portugues, 2023-11-07): “As primeiras imagens da matéria negra do Universo, captadas pelo telescópio Euclid. Que tem tecnologia portuguesa”
Público (in Spanish, 2023-11-07): “Las primeras imágenes del telescopio Euclid revelan el cosmos “como no lo habíamos visto nunca””
El Diario (in Spanish, 2023-11-07): “La misión Euclid revela sus primeras imágenes: “Nunca habíamos visto el cosmos con tanto detalle””
Tagesanzeiger (in German, 2023-11-07): “Euclids erste Farbbilder aus dem Kosmos”
NZZ (in German, 2023-11-07): “Die ersten Bilder des europäischen Weltraumteleskops Euclid lassen die Schrecksekunden der letzten Monate vergessen” by Christian Speicher
NU (in Dutch, 2023-11-07): “Eerste kleurenfoto’s van Euclid-telescoop tonen ‘scherpste beelden ooit'”
TF1 Info (in French, 2023-11-07): “Découvrez les premières images éblouissantes du télescope spatial européen Euclid”
IndexHR (in Croatian, 2023-11-07): “Teleskop Euklid poslao prve snimke svemira, na njima dosad neviđene galaksije”
Folha de S.Paolo (in Portugues, 2023-11-07): “Da Via Láctea às profundezas, europeus revelam primeiras imagens do Euclid” by Salvador Nogueira
RTS (in French, 2023-11-07): “Le télescope spatial Euclid de l’ESA dévoile ses premières images” by Stéphanie Jaquet
La Gazzetta dello Sport (in Italian, 2023-11-07): “Le immagini astronomiche del telescopio Euclid: ‘Risultati sorprendenti'” by Giacomo Martiradonna
El Diario Montañes (in Spanish, 2023-11-07): “Las primeras imágenes de ‘Euclid’, el telescopio que quiere desvelar el misterio oculto en el universo” by Jon Garay
The New York Times (paywall, 2023-11-07): “Euclid telescope dazzles with detailed first images of our universe”, by Katrina Miller
La Repubblica (in Italian, 2023-11-07): “La luce di Euclid sull’universo oscuro. Prime immagini dalla sonda Esa che studia la materia invisibile”, by Elena Dusi
France 24 (2023-11-07): “First ‘awe-inspiring’ images from Europe’s Euclid space telescope”, from AFP
Physics World (2023-11-07): “European Space Agency’s Euclid mission takes its first dazzling images of the cosmos”, by Michael Banks
New Scientist (2023-11-07): “Euclid space telescope releases its first stunning full-colour images”, by Leah Crane
El Español (in Spanish, 2023-11-07): “El universo a todo color: primeras imágenes de Euclid, el telescopio de la ESA con sello español”, by Ismael Marinero
El Mundo (in Spanish, 2023-11-07): “Los cinco impresionantes retratos del cosmos con los que se estrena el telescopio Euclid: ‘Estamos listos para observar miles de millones de galaxias‘“, by Teresa Guerrero
Wired (2023-11-07): “The Euclid Space Telescope’s Spectacular First Photos of Distant and Hidden Galaxies”, by Ramin Skibba
Qubit. (in Hungarian, 2023-11-07): “Lenyűgöző részletességgel tárják fel a kozmoszt az európai Euclid űrtávcső első felvételei”, by Tóth András
tagesschau (in German, 2023-11-07): “Euclid schickt erste Bilder”, by Frank Wittig
DR (in Danish, 2023-11-07): “De første rumbilleder fra ESA-mission viser en ‘blændende kant af mørket'”, by Nanna Nørby Hansen
Yonhap News (in Korean, 2023-11-08): “‘반짝반짝 빛나는’ 유클리드 망원경 첫 우주 사진”, by 송진원 기자
Sky tg24 (in Italian, 2023-11-07): “Le meraviglie dell’Universo targato Euclid”, by Marta Meli
BBC (2023-11-07): “Euclid telescope: First images revealed from ‘dark Universe’ mission”, by Jonathan Amos
General, 2023
Radio France (podcast in French, 2023-09-14): “Euclid, le télescope de l’univers sombre”, with Stéphanie Escoffier
Deutschlandfunk Kultur (podcast in German, Euclid from minute 22:58, 2023-08-31): “Dunkle Energie, Was steckt hinter der Supermacht im Universum?”, by Dirk Lorenzen
First Light, 08/2023
Radio France (podcast in French, 2023-08-03): “Pourquoi le télescope Euclid pourrait-il percer les mystères de la matière noire et de l’énergie sombre?“, with Stéphanie Escoffier
Scientific American (2023-08-03): “Euclid Space Telescope Snaps Spectacular First Images”, by Monisha Ravisetti
The Register (2023-08-02): “After fears that Europe’s space scope was toast, its first images look mighty fine”, by Katyanna Quach

Smithsonian Magazine (2023-08-02): “See the First Stunning Test Images From the Euclid Space Telescope”, by Will Sullivan

Der Spiegel (in German, 2023-08-01): “Testbilder versprechen »verlockende Einblicke« in ferne Galaxien”, from agency
Launch, 07/2023
El Pais (in Spanish, 2023-07-03): “Despega con éxito ‘Euclid’, el telescopio espacial europeo que abrirá una ventana al universo oscuro”, by Belén Yu Irureta-Goyena
BBC (2023-07-02): “Euclid: Europe’s ‘dark explorer’ telescope launches”, by Jonathan Amos
Sky & Telescope (2023-07-01): “Euclid Space Telescope Launches to Explore Dark Energy, Dark Matter”, by David Dickinson
Ars Technica (2023-07-01): “SpaceX launches groundbreaking European dark energy mission”, by Stephen Clark
NasaSpaceFlight (2023-07-01): “SpaceX launches ESA’s Euclid Telescope to explore the dark universe”, by Alejandro Alcantarilla Romera
Spektrum (in German, 2023-07-01): “Euclid ist erfolgreich ins dunkle Universum gestartet”, by Katharina Menne
CNN (2023-07-01): “The Dark Universe Is Waiting. What Will the Euclid Telescope Reveal?”, by Ashley Strickland
La Repubblica (in Italian, 2023-07-01): “Euclid è decollato, il telescopio europeo in missione per svelare i segreti di energia e materia oscura”, by Marini Matteo
Die Zeit (in German, 2023-07-01): “Esa-Sonde Euclid soll Dunkle Materie im All erforschen”, by Melina Crispin
EFE (in Spanish, 2023-07-01): “La misión espacial Euclid: el hallazgo más emocionante es el que no se espera” by Noemí G. Gómez
New York Times (2023-07-01): “The Dark Universe Is Waiting. What Will the Euclid Telescope Reveal?”, by Katrina Miller

Semana (in Spanish, 2023-07-01): “Ya está en el espacio el telescopio Euclid, con el cual se pretende iluminar el lado oscuro del universo”
El Mundo (in Spanish, 2023-07-01): “Despega con éxito el telescopio Euclid para investigar el universo oscuro: ‘Va a ayudarnos a responder una de las preguntas más fascinantes de la ciencia moderna‘“, by Teresa Guerrero
Le Monde (in French, 2023-07-01): “Départ réussi pour Euclid, la mission spatiale qui doit percer deux des plus grands mystères de l’Univers”, by Pierre Barthélémy
The Telegraph (2023-07-01): “No simple matter: the giant Euclid telescope mission could find missing part of universe”, by Sarah Knapton (2023-06-30): “Who is the Euclid ‘dark universe’ space telescope named after?”, by Keith Cooper
Scientific American (2023-06-30): “Europe’s Euclid Space Telescope Is Launching a New Era in Studies of the ‘Dark Universe’”, by Jonathan O’Callaghan
Nature (2023-06-30): “Euclid launch: dark-energy mapper poised to probe cosmic mysteries”, by Davide Castelvecchi
WIRED (2023-06-30): “Here Comes Euclid, the Telescope That Will Search for Dark Energy”, by Ramin Skibba
Deutsche Welle (2023-06-29): “The Euclid telescope: On the trail of dark energy and matter”, by Esteban Pardo
Radio France Internationale Podcast (in French, 2023-06-29): “Jusqu’où nous entraînera la vertigineuse mission Euclid?”, Caroline Lachowsky speaking to Nabila Aghanim and Yannick Mellier
The Guardian Podcast (2023-06-29): “Euclid: will the mission uncover the secrets of dark matter and dark energy?”, Ian Sample speaking to Andrew Pontzen
Spektrum (in German, 2023-06-28): “Der Mann, der Licht ins dunkle Universum bringen will”, by Katharina Menne
BBC Sky at Night Magazine (2023-06-22): “Euclid: A new mission to study the dark Universe launches in July”, by Govert Schilling
Science (Vol. 380, Issue 6651, 2023-06-22): “Into the dark”, by Daniel Clery
The Guardian (2023-06-18): “Scientists hope Euclid telescope will reveal mysteries of dark matter”, by Robin McKie
Forbes (2023-06-18): “ESA Euclid Space Telescope Aims To Crack The Code On The Dark Universe”, by Bruce Dorminey
The Conversation (2023-05-05): “The Euclid spacecraft will transform how we view the ‘dark universe’”, by Robert Nichol (2023-02-13): “Euclid mission: ESA’s hunt for dark matter and dark energy”, by Keith Cooper/Elizabeth Howell
Updated: 2025-02-12, KJ